From Dark to Light, Idaho Botanical Garden, Boise, Land Art Exhibition March 19 – April 30, 2022.
I made these basket from pine needles I collected close to our home in McCall. I created them with the same weaving technique that Native Americans have used for centuries. It was not until I started on this project that I understood why they chose this material. A pine needle basket is sturdy and durable, and the process of making it is meditative and calming.
Weaving the five baskets offered me a way to reflect on how our lives have changed in the last two years, not only here in America but all around the world. The darkness that has descended onto this planet is making me sad, and I feel the suffering, the confusion, and the fear of many.
My hopes are we will find a solution and our way back to peace and trust.
The colors and “conditions” of the baskets represent this process for me: From dark/black over shades of grey to light/white. In comparison to the darker baskets the white one is small. To me it symbolizes that one small candle can light up a room. It reminds me there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, there is always hope.